David Menchetti Featured on WorkersCompensationExperts.org
David Menchetti is regarded as one of the pre-eminent workers compensation lawyers in Illinois and demonstrates his command of the system in an interview with Bill Fay, the Editor-in-Chief for WorkersCompensationExperts.org.
Menchetti zeroes in on the importance Illinois places on medical care for injured workers and their right to direct their treatment.
“The absolute right to choose and direct your medical care is very important in Illinois and that’s pretty unusual when you look around at how other states do things,” Menchetti said. “If you choose your doctor, there is a level of trust and belief that he has your best interest in mind as you are healing. If you go with a doctor paid by your company, he’s most interested in getting you back to work as soon as possible.”
Menchetti goes on to explain why the state laws on reimbursement give injured workers access to the most qualified doctors and other advances that help keep the Illinois workers compensation system on par or above other states in the U.S.Find the article here: Workers Comp in Illinois
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